After escaping the army at 22 I went back to school and started writing. Short stories at first then a couple novels. My idea then was to be published before the age of 25 -- because I had read somewhere that some author I respected was first published at 25 (
Clive Barker?
Stephen King?) and of course I wanted to be a
young hotshot.
I continued my pursuit of implausible careers with many years of studying philosophy, then roleplaying game writing. (By the way, I discovered that if you first pursue roleplaying game writing, then switch over to pursuing screenwriting, your family will actually be
Today I turn 40. Being the clever sort, I had a backup plan in case the
young hotshot strategy didn't work out:
Raymond Chandler
-- published his first short story at the age of 42 and The Big Sleep came 6 years later. Not sure if there's a special term for old bastards so I'll just leave it as the old bastard strategy. One advantage of the old bastard strategy is that the older you are before you get published (or produced), the more impressive the achievement.
No fucking way!
Well, happy fortieth fucking birthday then you old bastard.
My form of denial employs the following logic:
Since your thrirties are the new twenties then 40 is like the new 30 -- and 30 ain't so bad...
Happy 40th!
You are now 22 years past your sexual peak. No wonder we concentrate on writing!;-)
Happy Big 40 man (I turned it Aug 16) and man, let me tell ya, I feel those 30 extra days older than you
Thanks for feeling my pain -- but I'd prefer sending fresh, young virgin blood for me to bathe in nightly so that I might retain my hairly loathsomeness and bright red neck for all eternity...
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